Pomyślało mi się. She's a Lot of Things

Niedługo po wytextowaniu „rybki” [Recurrent Currents], która przyszła do mnie pewnego wieczoru dwa miesiące temu, przyszły do mnie również słowa poniższe. Na ich temat być może więcej innym razem, kiedy być może napiszę o ich bohaterce. Dzisiaj zapisuję w moim blogowym brulionie czysty tekst:

Caroline's a lot of things

She writes books and she sings

She thinks too

Sometimes she sinks

Caroline's a lot of things

Every time her life's a wreckage

She bundles it in a package

Of experience that will pay

On some other later day

She fights wars and she wins

Caroline's a lot of things

Singing, thinking, sinking too

Since the days that were not true

Nightmares in the daylight seen

Were just like an undreamed dream

With eyes open wide with fears

With eyes full of dried up tears

Every time her life's a wreckage

She bundles it in a package

Of experience that will pay

On some other better day

She fights wars and she wins

Caroline's a lot of things

She draws crochets with her needles

Thus she solves life's various riddles

Yes sometimes she also sinks

Don't they say that life stinks?

Yet for Caroline not for long

Before she resumes her song

She fights battles, wars she wins

Forgiving – life's – unforgivable – sins


© prowincjałka
